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Raid Ant & Roach Killer 17, Lemon Scent - 17.5 Ounce, $5.99
Kills on contact! A family company. No lingering chemical odor. A family company since 1886 - Fisk Johnson. Raid Ant & Roach Killer 17 kills roaches in two ways: 1) It kills bugs fast - on contact and 2) It keeps on killing with residual action even after you spray, for up to 4 weeks. Questions? Comments? Call 800-558-5252 or write Helen Johnson. Contains no CFCs or other ozone depleting substances. Federal regulations prohibit CFC propellants in aerosols.

Raid Ant & Roach Killer 26, Fragrance Free - 17.5 Ounce, $5.99
Keeps on killing for weeks. Defense system. Attack bugs (use to kill ants, roach bait product to kill ants or roaches where they hide. For heavy infestations, first use a Raid Fogger or fumigator product and then place baits to provide ongoing control. Read the label to find the right product for your bug problem). Control bugs (Use a Raid Any or Roach Bait product to kill ants or roaches where they hide. For heavy infestations, first use a Raid Fogger or Fumigator product and then place baits to provide ongoing control. Read the label to find the right product for your bug problem). Prevent bugs (Use a Raid Max Bug Barrier product to keep ants, roaches and other listed bugs out. Or, spray this product along baseboards, inside cracks, and behind appliances. Do not spray surfaces with more than one pest control product. Read the label to find the right product for your bug problem). A family company since 1886 - Fisk Johnson. Defense System. Helps you work smarter, not harder, to fight bugs. Visit to identify your bug and best treatment plan. Tips: Remove food spills and exposed food. Store food in sealed container. Caulk any points where bugs enter into walls, voids, cracks and crevices, including entry points from outside or neighboring units. Prevent bugs. Keeps bugs out. Kills: ants; roaches; crickets; earwigs; household spiders; multi-colored Asian lady beetles; silverfish; stinkbugs. Federal regulations prohibit CFC propellants in aerosols. Contains no CFCs or other ozone depleting substances. Questions? Comments? Call 800-558-5252 or write Helen Johnson. Spray. Baits. Bug barrier.

Raid Ant & Roach Killer 17, Outdoor Fresh - 17.5 Ounce, $5.99
Kills on contact! A family company. No lingering chemical odor. A family company since 1886. - Fisk Johnson. Raid Ant & Roach Killer 17 kills roaches in two ways: 1) It kills bugs fast- on contact and 2) It keeps on killing with residual action even after you spray, for up to 4 weeks. Questions? Comments? Call 800-558-5252 or write Helen Johnson. Contains no CFCs or other ozone depleting substances. Federal regulations prohibit CFC propellants in aerosols.

Tomcat Glue Traps, Rat Size - 2 Each, $4.79
No. 1 brand of glue traps in America (Based on Nielsen total US XAOC data). Glue traps with eugenol for enhanced stickiness. Captures rats & mice. Professional strength. Pesticide-free. Ready-to-use. Tomcat glue traps represent the very latest in glue trap technology. Our glue formulation has the idea combination of immediate grip and stretchable hold. Can be used for - rats; mice; snakes; cockroaches; scorpions; spiders - and most other insect pests. Questions or comments? Call 1-877-332-0755. Made in USA.

Tomcat Glue Traps, Mouse Size - 4 Each, $3.99
With eugenol for enhanced stickiness. Captures mice. No. 1 brand of glue traps in America (Based on Nielsen total US XAOC data). Professional strength. Pesticide-free. Ready-to-use. Tomcat Glue Traps represents the very latest in glue trap technology. Our glue formulation has the ideal combination of immediate grip and stretchable hold. Can be used for: mice; cockroaches; spiders; scorpions - and most other insect pests. Questions or comments? Call 1-877-332-0755. Tomcat Glue Traps work without poison or mechanical apparatus. Glue traps take advantage of the rodent's natural tendency to run along walls. When the rodent runs onto the tray, they get stuck. Simply dispose of the entire glue trap. Made in USA.

Raid Roach Baits, Large, Double Control - 8 Each, $10.99
SC Johnson - A family company. 2 foods to kill the roaches. Defense System: Control Bugs. Kills roaches for 3 months. Relief from severe roach problems. 8 child resistant baits. A family company since 1886. - Fisk Johnson. Defense System: Helps you work smarter, not harder, to fight bugs. Visit to identify your bug and best treatment plan. Use This Product To: Control Bugs: Kill bugs at the source. Use indoors on corners, along walls and near entry points to kill roaches where they hide. For maximum effectiveness, place all baits at the same time. Avoid placing baits directly on top of surfaces treated with a Raid spray product to make sure roaches can bring the bait back to where they hide. Kills roaches, palmetto bugs, waterbugs. Tips: Remove food spills and exposed food. Store food in sealed containers. Calk any points where roaches enter into wall voids, cracks and crevices including entry points from outside or neighboring units. Kills the roaches you see, kills the ones you don't see. Starts killing within hours. Keeps killing roaches continuously for up to three months. This is how Raid Double Control Large Roach Baits work. 1. Raid Double Control Large Baits fit snugly in corners and along paths commonly traveled by roaches. 2. Roaches are attracted to the bait to feed. 3. Roaches eat the bait and return to nesting area to die. 4. Bait carried back to the nest continues to kill other roaches. Satisfaction Guaranteed: If Raid Double Control Large Roach Baits do not provide effective roach control, call toll-free 800-558-5252 to arrange for a full refund. Questions? Comments? Call 800-558-5252 or write Helen Johnson.

Hot Shot Ant, Roach & Spider Killer, Fresh Floral Scent - 17.5 Ounce, $5.99
Fast knockdown! Kills on contact (Excluding harvester ants). Kills for up to 3 months (On non-porous surfaces; excluding spiders, fleas and carpenter, pharaoh and fire ants). For indoor and outdoor use. Leaves no oily residue. Guaranteed to work or your money back (Guaranteed: If you are not satisfied with this product for any reason, send your written request for a refund to the address below together with the dated store receipt showing the price you paid. Please allow 6-8 weeks for processing). Questions or Comments? Call 1-800-917-5431 or visit our website at Contains no CFCs or other ozone depleting substances. Federal regulations prohibit CFC propellants in aerosols.

Combat Roach Killing Bait - 0.49 Ounce, $8.29
Kills fast. Kills non-stop. Kills the nest. Large roaches. Child-resistant. Kills in hours. Kills roaches continuously for 3 months. Quick kill formula. How Combat Roach Killing Bait Works: (1) Roaches enter the bait. (2) Roaches take the bait back to the nest. (3) Roaches share the bait, killing other roaches and destroying the nest. Please recycle empty carton.

Stem Bug Killer Spray, Ants/Roaches/Spiders - 10 Ounce, $7.99
Rooted in nature. Optimized by science. Safe for use around kids + pets (when used as directed). Stem's scientists decode the power of nature to optimize plant botanicals to effectively and safely protect your family, home + pets from pest (when used as directed). Botanical extracts. Entomologist tested. Safe for use throughout your home (when used as directed). No added dye, fragrance or harsh chemical odor. Kills Crawling Insects: Ants (Such as Pharaoh Ants, Carpenter Ants, Harvester Ants, Argentine Ants and Red Imported Fire Ants), Roaches (Such as German Roaches and American Roaches), and Cellar Spiders. Container Disposal: If empty. Do not puncture or incinerate.This aluminum container may be recycled. Before offering for recycling, empty the container by using the product according to the label. If recycling is not available, place in trash. If partially filled: Call your local solid waste agency or 1-800-529-3394 for disposal instructions. Never place unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain. This product is exempt from registration with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under FIFRA section 25(b) regulations.